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UNIT 7 DQ 2_20th Century Art

UNIT 7 DQ 2_20th Century Art

Q • How does Benjamin describe the redefinition of art in the age of mass media? • Does the easy and ubiquitous reproducibility of works of art truly change one’s relationship to those original art objects? • Cite examples of how British and American Pop artists addressed the mass consumption of images in the 20th century.

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In the age of mass media, redefinition of art is a mechanical production of the artwork as said by Benjamin Franklin and these artworks lack authenticity as well as aura of an artist. Aura of an artist according to Harrison and Wood means the artist’s originality and authenticity. For example the Pop Art that is created by multiple pieces of media and not by only the artist alone and such artworks have meaning sometimes and sometimes they are produced without meaning. Today, this mechanical production is common and can be visible through films and photography.